Gabriel Pereira

Algorithmic Antagonisms Special Issue

Algorithmic Antagonisms: Resistance, Reconfiguration, and Renaissance for Computational Life
Media International Australia
Co-edited by Luke Heemsbergen, Emiliano Treré, and Gabriel Pereira

“Fuck the Algorithm!
Fuck the Algorithm!
Fuck the Algorithm!”

The chant of hundreds of UK school students echoed across the streets in front of the UK’s Department of Education. Students, livid, were protesting their chances of university entrance being snuffed out or otherwise manipulated by ‘the algorithm’. The exasperation focussed on the Office of Qualifications and Examinations Regulation’s automated process for estimating marks for final exams that were cancelled due to COVID-19: ‘the algorithm’ deployed had taken predictable biases (Noble, 2018) and delivered inflationary marks to private school students, while deflating the marks (and dreams) of students at government schools and of lower socio-economic status.

This example from 2020 is just one that shows how problematics of algorithmic governance pervade society. Yet the focus here on algorithmic antagonisms is not meant to comment on being oppressed by algorithms, or resisting their power through protest, or even being resigned to their effects. Instead it asks what happens when energy is put into fucking with algorithms to produce political movement within societies that are increasingly governed by them? Specifically, this introduction and the papers that follow in the special issue turn the critical study of data to consider algorithms’ antagonistic and tactical uses.

1. Introduction to algorithmic antagonisms:
Resistance, reconfiguration, and renaissance for computational life

by Luke Heemsbergen, Emiliano Treré, and Gabriel Pereira

2. Exploring user agency and small acts of algorithm engagement in everyday media use
by Patrick Heiberg Kapsch
Show abstract.

3. Becoming intimate with algorithms:
Towards a critical antagonism via algorithmic art

by Tanja Wiehn
Show abstract.

4. The oppositional affordances of data activism
by Dimitra L. Milioni & Venetia Papa
Show abstract.

5. Vernacular Visibility and Algorithmic Resistance in the Public Expression of Latin American Feminism
by Gabriela Elisa Sued, María Concepción Castillo-González, Claudia Pedraza, Dorismilda Flores-Márquez, Sofía Álamo, María Ortiz, Nohemí Lugo, & Rosa Elba Arroyo
Show abstract.

6. Algorithmic resistance as political disengagement
by João C. Magalhães
Show abstract.

7. Resistance and refusal to algorithmic harms:
Varieties of ‘knowledge projects’

by Maya Indira Ganesh & Emanuel Moss
Show abstract.

8. The emergence of algorithmic solidarity:
unveiling mutual aid practices and resistance among Chinese delivery workers

by Zizheng Yu, Emiliano Treré, & Tiziano Bonini
Show abstract.

9. We’ve always been antagonistic:
algorithmic resistances and dissidences beyond the Global North

by Gabriel Pereira, Bruno Moreschi, André Mintz, & Giselle Beiguelman
Show abstract.

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